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Maps of Ingress and Egress from Downtown
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What to Do In Case Of a Fire
- Isolate the fire: Close the door if you can do so safely.
- Call the Fire Department: Dial 9 1 1 immediately. Do not assume someone else has called. After calling the fire department, call the building management office at 713-759-9600.
- Activate the Fire Alarm Pull Station: If the Alarm is not sounding.
- Evacuate: Using Exit / Stairs to a safe area. Relocation to three (3) or more levels below the fire floor is generally adequate.
- Fire Extinguishment (is optional and only if all of the above has been completed.)
- Correct Extinguishers: Different fire extinguishers are recommended for each type of fire. For CLASS A fires (wood, textiles, rubbish) use foam or water. For CLASS B fires (grease, motor vehicle, flammable liquids) use foam, dry chemical, carbon dioxide or vaporizing liquid. NEVER use a water-type extinguisher on live electrical equipment. You can be electrocuted instantly by the electrical current following the water stream to you body. NEVER throw a stream of water on a CLASS B fire. You can splatter flaming liquids over a wide area, spreading the fire out of control.